- Kickstart Your Self Confidence -

This is more than just a Challenge...

It's a Free

5 Day 'Self Care Experience'.

This challenge is Perfect for you if...

  • 1
    You've lost your sense of direction and feel overwhelmed by life
    Learn how to consciously release fear and discard old limiting beliefs, hidden blocks and patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. When you see fear for what it IS, you become the master of your thoughts and your own destiny. You think more clearly, you act and feel differently. A new you emerges with more self belief, confidence, optimism and clarity! Woo Hoo!
  • 2
    You want to BE your most powerful you and be back in CHARGE of your life!
    Discover a simple approach to increase inner confidence, self esteem, self belief, enthusiasm, passion and courage.As you embrace uncertainty, you begin trust yourself more and life changes. You discover that facing and feeling into your fears allows them fade into the background! You tap into grit, resilience and determination and become your best cheerleader!
  • 3
    You want to silence that critical voice in your head!
    Trusting yourself more happens when you identify and tame that pesky, mean voice of your Inner Critic. Whoa, she can be a total bitch if you let her get away with it! Learn to break free of those old habits and patterns of self sabotage, judgement, criticism and procrastination.  Yep you can do it AND it's easier than you think! We'll show you how..
  • 4
    You want to understand yourself more
    Life throws us many challenges, some big and some small. Having compassion for ourselves during these experiences and acknowledging our suffering with gentle loving kindness enhances our mental well being when we are most vulnerable. Its time to let go of judgment and criticism and give to yourself the love and support you need. You deserve it!
  • 5
    You want to feel inner peace and calm even when sh#t is happening all around you.
    Discover how to easily quiet  your 'monkey mind' and create feelings of peace, harmony and grace leaving you feeling rested and restored. Making time for you is a must!

It’s absolutely FREE to join (and probably one of the BEST things you can do for your confidence right now!)





Feeling strong and confident

Why do you need this
'self care'challenge?

  • Feel happier and understand yourself more 
  • Feel better about yourself and your life
  •  Believe and trust yourself more
  • Feel calm and grounded 
  • Start to manifest more of your dreams and goals
  • Create a life you love
  • Feel more inspired and live more confidently

If you think this FREE challenge could help someone you know, please help us spread the word...

This challenge is about getting behind the nitty-gritty of self confidence...

Self-confidence is all about accepting your 'messy bits' and learning to trust yourself again. It's as simple as that. 
Yep, you have probably messed up many times.  We all do.

How often have you given yourself credit for the times you fell down and then got back up and kept on going.  Even when you didn't know how.
That's called strength, determination, grit and courage. And guess what - you have it in spades. Even if you don't think so. 

(Guess what, you will soon!)

How many amazing things have you done in your life? Did you give yourself credit and encouragement?

It's now time to celebrate all of you and your achievements, no matter how big or small!  
As you create greater trust and self belief, guess what happens?. Yep you got it ...MORE CONFIDENCE!

You were born perfect and confident so its time to reconnect to those beautiful foundations and re-build your self esteem. It’s easier than you think! 

During this FREE 5 DAY 'SELF CARE EXPERIENCE' we don't tell you how to do it - we show you!




You receive FREE coaching, exercises and simple healing processes to help boost  your self-worth and happiness.

You discover how to align with your true self, end self doubt, and trust your choices. 

Learn firsthand how to rewire your brain and then watch confidence, trust, self worth, happiness, resilience, and fearlessness roll up into your life.
You will see and feel the  results in your life straight away!

- Starting Monday 5 October -  



Join the private Facebook group and be part of a supportive group of women going through the challenge. There are small tasks to complete each day and share with the group. It’s like having a cheer squad of support and celebration for this new life you’re creating!

How does it get any better! 


Download your beautiful free 'Kickstart Your Self Confidence' Journal in both colour
and a simpler printable version. 

A 'Tapping Tips Q&A' full of great stuff that answers all your questions! 

 And they are yours to keep and use beyond the Challenge!


Break free from insecurity and create a new level of faith, trust and confidence that’ll knock your old shy, fearful, procrastinating self off her feet!

Over the course of 5 days, you will learn a scientifically proven mind/ body/emotional technique that addresses the mind/body/emotional problems.

You get real results FAST. This is a tool you can use anytime, anywhere, for anything or anyone you want to help. And you get to use forever!  

Become your own detective and uncover, see, diagnose and clear away actual inner resistance to anything keeping you stuck!

Meet Kate & Maggie

Kate Shapland - Kickstart Your Self Confidence
        Kate Shapland          

Kate has been passionate about empowering people to help themselves for the whole of her medical career. As a mainstream GP she has always looked for the most effective, evidence based therapies for all situations. For the last 10 years she has explored many other complimentary therapies to improve well-being and help to body to heal itself. Nutrients have been a large part of this transition,as well as relaxation and mindfulness. However, the biggest breakthroughs she has had for herself,and her clients, is when she started adding energy therapies ( in particular “tapping”) to her sessions.

       Maggie Schulz               

Maggie is a certified 'Tapping into Wealth Coach' and trained under Margaret Lynch-Raniere. She also has a diverse background in coaching, massage and Bowen Therapy, corporate Human Resources, customer service and administration. With a lifelong passion for learning, Maggie has completed many self development and business courses to support her personal and professional growth. She loves to impart her knowledge to help others. Her passion is working with women who are feeling tired and ‘stuck’ and are ready to free themselves of fears, limiting beliefs and ‘baggage’ and move into a happier life, attracting positive possibilities and experiences.  As an introvert, Maggie has deep gratitude for EFT Tapping. It has created remarkable breakthroughs for her personally, and she has seen life changing results for her clients, friends and family. She loves to teach people of all ages how this powerful, yet simple, clinically proven tool can transform their world! 


Kate and Maggie both share a love of helping and empowering women 
to become their best selves to live a life of purpose with confidence, clarity, courage and joy.

Their aim during this challenge is to help you create change and discover new ways of thinking about yourself that you’ve never considered before. And get immediate results to kickstart your confidence so you feel inspired to go after your goals and dreams.

If you think this FREE challenge could help someone you know, please help us spread the word...

If not, we'd love to have you join us!

We start on 5, October 2020.


© 2020 Kickstart Your Self Confidence. All rights Reserved